
Burnout of Professionals and Parents with Children with Disabilities
he Burnout Free ECI project offers mutually empowering techniques and solutions to some of the most complex challenges parents with children with disabilities (CwD), professionals in the disability field and Organizations face, hindering the prospects of early childhood. The Burnout FREE ECI project addresses the tremendously serious issue of professionals’ and parents’ burnout on the family centered Early Child Intervention. It has also revealed the need to enhance the protective factors for family and ECI professionals and reduce the burnout risk factors which threaten to result in social isolation of professionals and
in social exclusion of parents and children with disabilities.
Our company developed the E-Learning Game that is a 3D application running on PC, Mac and Tablets that offers training scenarios, links to additional training materials based on the outcome of each scenario and a mood quiz to track the progress of the users. The user selects a role (parent or professional) and finds himself/herself in burnout situations that must try to respond to. It’s a Role-playing game that based on the
choices of the user ends differently and relevant training materials are offered each time (based on the user choices). The Game is available in many languages to be more attractive to non-English speakers.
You can download the game from this address.

Website: https://www.burnoutfree.eu/